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How a student built a real AI App without code

Last updated

June 18, 2024

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Generating content can be a daunting task, especially for small businesses.

That's where AIPostMaker steps in.

In our latest interview with a No Code MBA member, we spoke with the creator of AIPostMaker, an innovative app designed to streamline the process of creating social media posts. From generating post ideas to crafting graphics, AIPostMaker aims to be a one-stop solution for businesses looking to elevate their social media presence.

1. Can you briefly explain what your app does and who it's for?

AIPostMaker is intended as a simple platform to help a small business run its own social media profiles. It saves the social media manager time. And - if he/she works as a freelancer for several companies - he/she can earn more by handling projects faster.

After setting up basic information about the company (what the company does, uploading its logo, choosing a font, and so on), you can do several things here: you can generate post ideas from AI; you can generate entire post texts and headlines based on the indicated post idea.Well, you can also create graphics.

Based on the topic of the post, you can choose a photo that would be a good illustration, and then insert it into the selected template with texts and logos.

This way you can prepare a ready-made post with graphics in a minute. AIPostMaker.com does not have some stunning capabilities. For now, there are simply a dozen available post templates, 15 fonts to choose from. But it's a start.

Well, the goal is to speed up simple work, not to replace a graphic design studio or professional agency.

2. What motivated you to build this particular app? Was there a specific problem you were looking to solve?

To be very honest, the primary motivation was to try to use Open AI integration and learn it. But, as it usually happens, when you start doing something, the idea grows quickly, and new ideas appear. If I have an idea for a post, why not a whole post? If I have a post, what about graphics? In the end, the whole thing was created, I wrapped it up, finalized the analytics and payments, and just watch what happens next.

I deal with social media strategies daily while working at a social media agency, and the topic is closest to my heart. I can see what a problem it is for hundreds of small
businesses, restaurants, or service companies to prepare simple graphics, and publish regularly on Facebook or Instagram. I was hoping that maybe AIPostMaker.com could help them at least a little.

3. Can you describe the no-code tools you used to create your app, and why you chose them?

The entire application is built using Bubble. It's a really cool tool, although it has some limitations and the new price list has created some confusion. Through the API, the app uses Open AI, Stripe, Pexel's photo database, among others.

I used PostMark to send emails, TypeForm to survey users. The choice of specific tools is a result of several factors. E.g. TypeForm just has cool form customization options and it's just easier to make a simple survey ready for emailing. I like Postmark because it integrates easily with Bubble, I can set up nice-looking emailing there.

Stripe, I chose because it is the most popular, although I have to say that some things I still don't understand there. I'm also trying to find a balance between time spent looking for new solutions and time spent building applications. Searching, comparing, and testing available solutions is quite an effort. I prefer building because I enjoy it as much as Lego. It's a kind of compromise.

4. How did your training from the No Code MBA program help you in creating this app?

It certainly helped me! I was looking for hints on how to use integration via API, and specifically how to integrate apps in Bubble with OpenAI. I found the answer here, which allowed me to go further!

5. How long did it take you to build the app from idea to launch? Can you talk us through the process?

It's hard to say. I work professionally, I run a company. Building AIPostMaker.com was like a hobby, pursued in the evenings. I think altogether from idea to full implementation it took about 1-2 months. Although it probably could have taken much shorter if one had dedicated a few hours a day, rather than a week, to it!

6. How did you go about attracting and onboarding your initial user base?

For now, I am at the beginning of this adventure. I'm testing how AdWords performs on queries like "ai post generator" and the like, and I'm using Segment, Google Analytics and HotJar to analyze first-time user behavior. I've invited some people to test and am collecting feedback. I'll be thinking about what to do next.

7. What are your plans for the future with your app?

I am considering two scenarios. In the first, I will leave the application as it is, maybe work a bit on its visibility on Google (SEO) to slowly find new users. But it will stay at the level it's at currently and maybe serves someone. In the second, more ambitious if the first users give me some constructive feedback, I will develop it further, order more professional post templates from our agency's studio, and ask the designer for a UI change and UX improvement. And then I will want to invest a bit in promotion. We'll see!

8. What advice would you give to others who are considering enrolling in a No Code MBA program or who want to build their own app?

I'm in an environment of people who are not programmers. And thinking of them, I would like to encourage them to play. That is, to treat discovering the possibilities of no-code not as a way to “learn new technologies needed at work” but rather as a recreational activity like Sudoku or Lego. This is fun! I would like to advise them to find some enjoyment in it. Then they will learn so many things that they will be surprised at what things they can make with no-code!

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